Archive for February, 2009

Some of My Own Art work

Unfortunately I don’t really have the time, patience, or talent to paint that well or that often. But I have and on some occasions still do. Anyway I recently took some pictures with my digital camera of some work I have done (by the way on my site I am going to try and start posting some more original photographs. Anyway here is some of my very small collection of personal artwork.
Here is one from about three or four years ago.

Painted this one below about two years ago. Its my third painting and I haven’t come up with really anything doable or interesting since then when it comes to paintings.

Here is one I am still working on.

This is in my room. I made this back in high school. Its amazing what a piece of a chicken crate, some paint, a whole lot of soda cans, and some post cards can do. It now hangs on a wall in my room.


New Note Reveals John Lennon had Security Concerns

John Lennon evidently had security concerns just months before his tragic and violent death outside his Dakota apartment building in New York in late 1980.

JOHN Lennon complained in a handwritten note about the lack of security at his Dakota apartment just seven months before he was shot dead in front of the historic Central Park West building. In the April 28, 1980, memo to his aide Fred Seaman, the tragic Beatle wrote: “Explain to me why we are sleeping here with a front door that any nut can open (it doesn’t lock). People know I’m here . . .”

And in true 21st century fashion the letter is being sold for $54,000.


"Plumber" on Free Speech: God Doesn’t this Guy Ever Just go Away?

Sam Wurzelbacher “Joe” the “plumber” was at that chorus of caterwauling that is the CPAC convention where I guess post rationals and neocons would rub his hairless crown for wisdom, or something and selling, or at least trying to sell books.

When an audience member made reference to a statement that Plumber made earlier this week that if elected to Congress he would slap congress, he elaborated on that statement again. This time he seemed to elude to the idea of shooting any elected Representative that was critical of the Iraq War or the troops in anyway. But he was sure to say that although he espouses this he still believes in free speech. Just like he believes in being a war reporter, but that war reporters just shouldn’t be reporting about wars, but just crafting pro-government propaganda.

This guy truly is a combination of a political Paris Hilton, and he is about as overexposed as “Octo mom” and even rational conservatives know it.

This transcript of the video above (H/T: Think Progress)

Back in the day, really, when people would talk about our military in a poor way, somebody would shoot ‘em. And there’d be nothing said about that, because they knew it was wrong. You don’t talk about our troops. You support our troops. Especially when our congressmen and senators sit there and say bad things in an ongoing conflict.

Between the talk of labeling Obama a “radical communist”, a neoconservative former acting UN ambassador relishing the idea of more American bloodshed, and this;it seems that if Conservatives keep this up they will keep alienating the country at large and as in the 2008 Election remain a viable political force only in the old Dixie south, the bible belt, and the troika of states in the Mountain west (Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho).


Steven Colbert Does the Internet 1997 Style

Remember dial-up internet?

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Diagnosis Bunt Style

The Bunt sisters (specifically Rochelle) speaks out about waste in healthcare. Being charged for a visit for what you can do on the phone.

And here is a little advice to the doctor, next time you can use this thing called the telephone.


Look What the Conservatives Dragged in?

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Saw former disgraced House Republican Majority leader Tom Delay (R-TX) slamming Obama’s speech and doing his best Limbaugh impression as he defended the pathetic response of Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA)(sighting amongst other things ethics reform, which coming from Delay is just really ironic).

Interestingly enough he seems to be the last fan of his former fellow Texan George W Bush saying he was “a great President” up until September. Nobody followed up by asking which accomplishment he thought was George W Bush’s best: the invasion and occupation of Iraq that is the most shameful and wasteful U.S Foreign policy venture since the Vietnam War, the economic collapse, turning a surplus into the largest deficit in history, rampant government corruption and cronyism, or Hurricane Katrina (which Conservatives seem to think was a clear example of why conservatism works).

Anyway this appearance caused me to look around and I stumbled upon Tom Delay’s blog, which probably has about as many readers as mine. Here is a post from Delay dated November 25 with his reaction to the election and his “plan” for a conservative revival or something.

Despite a decrepit economy, a global image in tatters, rampant government corruption inherited from eight years of secrecy and patronage, and a strong showing in the 2006 and 2008 election that left Republicans and conservatives completely out of power; Delay insists that America is still ” a center-right nation”.

The first is that of President-elect Barack Obama, the savior who has brought the Democrats out of the wilderness, the first presidential candidate from his party to win a popular majority in more than 30 years. His primary agenda is to be re-elected in 2012 by what is still a center-right nation.

And this in his reaction to Obama hiring Rahm Emmanuel as the White House Chief of Staff:

Put yourself in his shoes — trying to get re-elected by a still-conservative-leaning country while fighting off rabid activists, a history-chasing Kennedy, and a suddenly accountable Democrat Congress — and you can see why he would want a well-trained pit bull as his chief of staff.

Post-rational conservatism at work. If America is still a “center right country” explain the election results in 2008 in the U.S House, the U.S Senate, and the Presidency. Not to mention the current poll numbers for Republican conservatives.


AIG Could Ask for More Bailout Money

The behemoth Investment bank American International Group (AIG) may ask the government for additional money from the government after it is expected to post a steep loss in the 4th quarter.

American International Group, or AIG is expected to ask the Federal Government for more money.

NBC News is reporting that the company is set to post a nearly $60 Billion loss; the biggest in US corporate history. If that happens, the company may not be able to stay afloat without more cash from the government.

AIG has already received more than $150 Billion in bailout money, and it might not be able to get any more under the current laws.

The government already owns about 80% of the bank. With the extravagant and frivolous spending these captains have been engaging in since their ship has slowly sunk into the waters of financial oblivion, we might not want to be so eager to give them more.


Al-Queda Co-founder Blasts Bin Ladden and Terrorism

Fascinating piece. A major figure who helped laid the foundation for the anti-western sentiment in the Middle East, and who helped found Al-Queda blasts Osama Bin Ladden and the tactics of terrorism such as those perpetrated on 9/11. Sayid Iman Sharif is currently serving a life sentence. Sharif has also denounced Bin Ladden associate Iman Alzawahri.

One of Al-Qaida’s founders, Sayyid Imam al-Sharif, has waged a harsh verbal attack on the terrorist organization’s leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Sharif’s criticism of the Al-Qaida ideology and the failures of its leadership have unleashed a heated debate within the global Jihad movement and it has been publicized in several western media outlets.

Sharif, who is serving a life sentence in a Cairo prison, recently wrote a book in which he said, “every drop of blood that was shed or is being shed in Afghanistan and Iraq is the responsibility of bin Laden and Zawahiri and their followers.”
The Al-Qaida figurehead also said called the September 11 terror attacks immoral and counterproductive.

“Attacking America has become the shortest road to fame and leadership among the Arabs and Muslims,” wrote Sharif, who also goes by the nom de guerre Dr. Fadl. “But what good is it if you destroy one of your enemy’s buildings, and he destroys one of your countries? What good is it if you kill one of his people, and he kills a thousand of yours? That, in short, is my evaluation of 9/11.”

Sharif also criticizes Muslims who move to the West only to perpetrate terror attacks in their adopted countries. “If they gave you permission to enter their homes and live with them, and if they gave you security for yourself and your money, and if they gave you the opportunity to work or study, or they granted you political asylum” wrote Sharif, then it is “not honorable” to “betray them, through killing and destruction.”

It is ideological schisms like this that if used by the forces that stand against them, that we can defeat these forces of militancy and extremism. The thoughts and sympathies of the Arab world and the Muslim world and that region of the world are not monolithic. The ideas espoused by the likes of Dick Cheney that somehow if we shed our humanity, discard the liberties that make freedom and justice and thus America great, and invade countries to “westernize” countries and kill every last terrorist is a farce; as if somehow there is a fixed number of terrorists that can be killed and permanently defeated. It is a policy and philosophy constructed not through rational thought, loyalty to our ideals, or rooted in effectiveness, but is merely a reaction of embittered men blinded by the fires of their own visceral hatreds and emotions.

Contrary to what some might say, the world did not shed soviet Communisms by military means alone. One element that was exploited and is often underestimated in its importance is that some ideological schisms in the ideological grounds of communism. The Sino-Soviet split that had its origins in the 1960s exposed the differences and intense disagreements within the world of communism between the Soviet Union and Maoist China. The two communist powers even engaged in some border skirmishes with one another in 1969. This made way for the exploiting of that rift in the 1970s by America that played a role in ending the cold war and allowed America to prevail.

In terms of this extremism of Al-Queda is it a situation that is just like the Cold War? No, but in terms of it being fought out not on a tangible battlefield, but through persuasion, economic means, military strength, and diplomatic maneuvering, we can learn something by maybe looking to the past for some lessons and when we see divisions between more moderate forces and Al-Queda style extremism to use our values and the power of persuasion to defeat a common enemy.

Roy Blunt Blames FDR for Starting the Great Depression

It is weird how after 70 years the history of the New Deal is being re-written by conservatives who know only how to do two things: cut taxes and conduct ill constructed occupations of countries.

Anyway House Minority Whip and Senate candidate in Missouri Roy Blunt became the latest to say that it was Franklin Roosevelt who brought about the Great Depression. Good God, how the Hell are people like this elected who if forced to take a Middle or High School Exam would end up flunking?

All of the Republicans agreed that the plan is a spending boondoggle that won’t turn the economy around. U.S. Rep. Roy Blunt made the most pointed criticism of it in his speech Friday night: “I guess you can’t be Franklin Roosevelt if you don’t create a depression,” he said of President Barack Obama.

H/T: Daily Kos

The Great Depression began for the record in the late 1920s under Republican Herbert Hoover Franklin Roosevelt wasn’t elected until 1932 and wasn’t sworn into office until March of 1933. But hey why let the facts obstruct a good line of red meat for your political base.


Fireman Accidently Swallows Kitten, Will be Honored by Animal Rights Activists

Proof that the bizarre, the comical, and the tragic can all co-exist in the same instance.

