Archive for the 'Retromercials' Category

Retromercials: This Must have Been a Slap to Nixon

That had to have hurt.


Retromercials: Crossfire

I remember this toy, my cousins used to have it. And this commercial used to be on all the time.


Retromercials- I Remember this commercial

Ring pops


Retromercial: Lite Brite

Remember this? i used to have one of these…..


Retromercials: Milk and Democracy

Retromercial- Jimmy is prejudice TSA

My Take: This kid must be so traumatized now. I think the old man was a little hard on him.
As for public service anouncements they are often weird and rigid. Painfully scripted and are usually more comical then informative. One seems to always get the impression that those oin PSA’s just can’t wait for the shooting of it to end.

Retromercials: Telephone

Have you ever seen one of those old black and white commercials that explains how what was then a new invention or trend works in detailed terms, which in retrospect seems so simple? Well if you have here is one of those ads and if you haven’t now is the chance to view one.
