Archive for the 'pictures' Category

Michael Lang

Speaking of Woodstock, here is me with Music producer and one of the chief figures who made Woodstock possible, Michael Lang during a stop at the Odyssey Book store in the center of South Hadley to promote his new book “The Road to Woodstock”.


Ahh Peaceful

Made these rock sculptures at my grandparent’s house


Photos of My Walk in The Woods Behind Hampshire College Last Week

Among the things I came across was this Buddhist Stone garden, where countless carins rested near a stream.


A Shout Out

Local blogger and fellow Pioneer Valley resident Tommy Devine gave my chair and I a shout out recently. Check his blog out for some interesting scenes locally.


Some of My Own Art work

Unfortunately I don’t really have the time, patience, or talent to paint that well or that often. But I have and on some occasions still do. Anyway I recently took some pictures with my digital camera of some work I have done (by the way on my site I am going to try and start posting some more original photographs. Anyway here is some of my very small collection of personal artwork.
Here is one from about three or four years ago.

Painted this one below about two years ago. Its my third painting and I haven’t come up with really anything doable or interesting since then when it comes to paintings.

Here is one I am still working on.

This is in my room. I made this back in high school. Its amazing what a piece of a chicken crate, some paint, a whole lot of soda cans, and some post cards can do. It now hangs on a wall in my room.


Cheney and Mr Potter: Evil Twins Seperated at Birth?

Mr Potter from Its a Wonderful Life and Dick Cheney. Two of a kind?


When Halloween and the Presidential Election Collide

When is the last time you saw people so psyched about am presidential election that they started carving slogans and the candidate’s face into pumpkins? Just wondering.


Have You Ever seen a More disgusting Apartment?

By the way its located in Houston, Texas. There are more pictures, but I warn you, prepare to be repulsed.


RNC Displays Flag with 51 Stars

Someone pointed this out.

Well in a way Bush/Cheney still are the leaders of the party. So maybe this is less of an error and more of a Freudian slip on their part. After all they have been grasping to find reasons to keep our brave men and women in Iraq. Maybe they want Iraq to be that fifty-first star.


To Do List For a Good Life

This is cool.

