Archive for the 'comcast sucks' Category

Editor’s Note: My wireless internet soap opera continues

Sorry, but my postings might be fewer for at least a little while. My Internet at home sucks or there is something wrong with my computer. I hope to get it fixed again. meanwhile when I blog it will most likely be from on campus. Hope things get fixed soon.

From the Comcast wireless sucks files: Sorry I might be down for awhile

Word of advice, never get Comcast wireless Internet. It is slow and ineffective , as while as being unreliable. Sometimes you get Internet and sometimes you don’t. Whatever the idiots do to fix it, it never works. I could go into more obscene detail about how I feel about these morons, but that would be a waste of time and would cheapen the quality of this blog. So I might be down for a few days. I am writing this from on campus,since my wireless at home is crap. i am doing everything I can to fix it. Please check in from time to time.

Your Editor and Host


Editors note

I am sorry but I couldn’t do my blog entry for Blog Action Day (that small post with a logo of the planet) anyway I am going to do one soon. I know its late, but my internet service at home sucks right now and I have been busy with some school projectsa. i will get to it as soon as i can.
