Archive for the 'Autism/Aspergers Syndrome' Category

Eunice Kennedy Shriver ( 1921- 2009)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, the sister of President John F Kennedy as well as the late Senator Robert F Kennedy (D-NY) and Edward M Kennedy (D-MA), the mother-in-law of actor turned Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA), died early this morning at a hospital on Cape Cod at the age of 88.

But Shriver made a name for herself in her own right as an advocate for juvenile delinquents, special needs children, and by founding the Special Olympics in the 1960s, which decades later has blossomed into an annual event where those with mental disabilities and special needs can compete in athletic events.

On a personal note, as those who know me are aware I too have a mental disability Aspergers syndrome, a mild form of autism that impairs me socially and well it may not have been as severe as those who compete in the Special Olympics or have other differences, I think all those with learning and mental disabilities should acknowledge the contribution she made to beginning the dialogue on disabilities when American society and many other societies had long relegated such disabilities and those who had them to the margins of society with a sense of shame and fright. Because of the pioneering work of Kennedy Shriver, disabilities are now better known about and those with them are more accepted by the public at large.

Photo from: ET online


Teacher Who Had Students Degrade, Vote Out Aspergers Student from Class Able to Retain Tenure

Student Alex Barton, 7; forced out of class by students and teacher.

The appeal of disgraced Florida Kindergarten teacher Wendy Portilio to retain tenure when her period of pay less suspension ends has been approved by the school board.

Portilio is the kindergarten teacher who pressured her young students to say in front of the class “what they hated” about Alex Barton, 7 a student with Aspergers Syndrome whom she accused of acting up, and then voting him out of the class.

FT. PIERCE, FL — Wendy Portillo broke down in tears when the St. Lucie County School Board made their decision.

She’s still suspended without pay until November, but when she returns to the classroom, she’ll come back with tenure.

Portillo has been a teacher in St. Lucie County for 12 years.

It was a little more than a year ago that Portillo had 5-year old Alex Barton in her Kindergarten class at Morningside Elementary School.

Alex had apparently been acting up. Portillo had the other students take a vote and they decided to send Alex out of the room.

The incident gained worldwide attention. Alex was in the process of being diagnosed with a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome.

Personally as someone with Aspergers syndrome myself, I think this woman got off easy. To express grievances e-mail the school board. Keep all messages expressed clear, eloquent, and decent.

Something to inspire us all

Powerful and moving video of 7 year old autistic girl and singer Gina Marie Incandela, who couldn’t even talk until the age of 3 doing an outstanding job singing a rendition of the national anthem at the Orlando Magic’s Game of the NBA Playoffs.

HT: Digg

This just goes to show the potential housed in us all, even those who are seen as disabled or different by society. Defiantly a hero and inspiration for us all. Find out more about Gina Marie Incandela and her amazing story on her web page.


Alex Barton

It was on May 20 of last year that Florida Kindergarten teacher Wendy Portiio humiliated one of her students Alex Barton, 6 who has Aspergers syndrome, when she called on students to vote Alex out of the class. The young students encouraged by the teacher who should have been the voice of reason among the young children; voted young Alex out of class by a 14-2 Survivor style vote.

I still say a years suspension and being stripped of her tenure is not punishment enough. Furthermore it is embarrassing that so many of her colleagues stood with her in her conduct in this incident. Why this woman will be allowed to educate children again is eludes me.


Mother of Boy with Aspergers Humiliated and Expelled from Class by Teacher, Allegedly Threatened

A follow-up on a story I blogged about last year but amidst all the helter skelter in life didn’t follow up on as much as I should have. Last year around this time Alex Barton, a 5 year old kindergarten student with Aspergers syndrome, was publicly humiliated by his teacher when she had her students engage in an abhorrent exercise where they voiced what they didn’t like about Alex and voted 14-2 to expel him from class.

Following complaints by the Alex’s mother Melissa Barton to the school, the teacher Wendy Portillo was placed in a non-teaching role before being placed on one year suspension and then having her tenure yanked. A bit of a slap on the wrist for such a blatantly stupid and bullying act if you ask me. But supposedly Melissa Barton was recently threatened by another parent at the school.

Melissa Barton said she went to the school Friday for a ceremony honoring her oldest son, according to a Port St. Lucie police report. Another woman approached her in the school cafeteria allegedly threatening to fight her in the parking lot.

Barton’s son, Alex, was ousted from his kindergarten class in a 14-to-2 vote led by his teacher Wendy Portillo. Portillo in November was suspended for one year and her tenure was taken away.

The other mother denied the allegations, the police report said. She told police she approached Barton and said, “I’m going to be real discreet about this. I just want you to know that I love my school and what you did was not fair to our school,” the police report said.

The school resource officer said she escorted Barton to the parking lot because of safety concerns and told her she would send a patrol car to monitor her home.

No arrests were made and the case was closed.

Now if the allegations by Mrs Barton are true this just goes to show how low parenting has devolved to the level that some parents are just as immature and unrestrained in their behavior as their children. But even if this woman didn’t threaten Mrs Barton, all legalities aside, not fair to our school? What about young Alex, who has a social disorder that already likely makes him feel ostracized, was publicly humiliated and shamed before his class, by both his peers and the supposed adult enshrined with caring for each and every student’s welfare? I don’t know about moist, but it would seem that Mrs Barton did the school a service. After all would you want a teacher who instead of ingraining the values of civility in young children ,actually encourages such childish conduct? who acts not as the adult amongst the children but a chief bully amongst them? After all if she did it to one child she would likely do it to any other, including your own child.

Related Items: Check out the Justice for Alex Barton site and blog.


More on the Michael Savage Autism Remarks

The criticisms and heat continue to mount on Conservative Talk radio personality Michael Savage, following his July 16 remarks on his nationally syndicated “Savage Nation” talk show where he said amongst other things that a child with Autism is usually ” a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out”.

Savage, although embattled, has persisted in defending his remarks, by saying that although Autism does exist, a corrupt nexus between psychicans and the pharamacutical companies designed to get children hooked on drugs such as Ritalin.

Now not only are people are people calling for his show to be pulled off the air and for him to be fired by the Talk Radio Network, which carries his show. Several major sponsors have already pulled their ads and distanced themselves from Savage and his controversial statements. (H/T to Andrew Sullivan for this latest update on the Savage madness).


The conservative shock jock’s comments sent shock waves through the autism community. Parents and autism activists staged rallies in protest in New York and San Francisco

“We are here to call for the firing of Michael Savage. For his truly hurtful, outrageous and inaccurate statements,” said one protester.

And the backlash didn’t stop there. Sponsors of Savage’s radio show, such as AFLAC Insurance and Home Depot, have pulled their advertisements. Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus gave $25 million for the creation of Autism Speaks, in 2005, and sits on the group’s board of directors.

Despite the outcries and some sponsors being lost, the Talk Radio Network continues to stand by Savage.

An interesting post was also written on a blog for U.S News and World Report about Savage;’s remarks, and how Savage’s take on the issue contradicts the scientific facts.


Micheal Savage: Autistic Children are Brats

Conservative Shock jock and Autism denier Michael Wiener, also known as Michael Savage.

Usually I don’t like to get on and blog about outrage sparked by some shock jock or tv host, who makes provocative comments that are either made to garner attention, but I make an exception here.

Michael Wiener, better known the listeners of his conservative Nationally syndicated talk show as Michael Savage, has been known before to enter fields with often outlandish and course remarks. In 2004, his MSNBC weekend talk show was canceled after he told a caller that he hoped that they would “get Aids and die”. He has sounded off and made fiery statements against Gays, called liberalism a mental disorder, said those who speak out in the war on terror should be jailed, and has made various offensive remarks against Muslims, immigrants (particularly Mexicans), and other groups.

But now the Conservative shock jock has entered that familiar territory when he called Autism “a fraud” and that autism “in 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out.”

The following is a bit of the transcript of a June 16 broadcast where he made the remark, as documented by Media

Media Matters:

Now, the illness du jour is autism. You know what autism is? I’ll tell you what autism is. In 99 percent of the cases, it’s a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out. That’s what autism is.

What do you mean they scream and they’re silent? They don’t have a father around to tell them, “Don’t act like a moron. You’ll get nowhere in life. Stop acting like a putz. Straighten up. Act like a man. Don’t sit there crying and screaming, idiot.”

Autism — everybody has an illness. If I behaved like a fool, my father called me a fool. And he said to me, “Don’t behave like a fool.” The worst thing he said — “Don’t behave like a fool. Don’t be anybody’s dummy. Don’t sound like an idiot. Don’t act like a girl. Don’t cry.” That’s what I was raised with. That’s what you should raise your children with. Stop with the sensitivity training. You’re turning your son into a girl, and you’re turning your nation into a nation of losers and beaten men. That’s why we have the politicians we have.

Thats great. Going after children that have a mental disorder that they were born with and that cause those afflicted to face daunting challenges every day. What next is he going to call Cancer a scam? Maybe that quadriplegics are just wheel chair bound because they are too lazy to get up?

What a loser. Autism is very real and it is a disorder that in a variety of ways affects as many as 1 in every 150 children born.

Since then the autism community has responded. Here is how the Autism society of America reacted in a statement.

This week, talk show host Michael Savage made inaccurate and derogatory comments about autism on his radio show, calling the condition “a fraud” and the result of a lack of parental discipline. Mr. Savage’s unsubstantiated comments reflect the misconceptions of over 50 years ago that autism was caused by “refrigerator mothers” or unemotional parenting, which have been completely disproven by the scientific community. Autism is a neuro-developmental medical condition that requires early identification and lifelong treatment. For over 40 years, the Autism Society of America has worked tirelessly to educate people on the nature of autism spectrum disorders, the services and support families need, and the tremendous potential of people on the autism spectrum. We are dismayed that these grossly inaccurate remarks would be aired in any platform, much less on a nationally syndicated show. We will continue to work with families, people with autism and the broader public to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorders.

Here are some facts on Autism.

Michael Wiener, (Savage), ladies and Gentlemen, proof that Darwinism can work in reverse.

Parents and advocates for the disabled have also reacted with strong protests and some have even called for his firing from the Talk Radio Network. One station in Mississippi has already cancelled his show over the remarks.

But Wiener, I am sorry I mean “Savage” last night responded to the protests and criticism of his comments on his website, and remains unrepentant.

Michael Savage:

My comments about autism were meant to boldly awaken parents and children to the medical community’s attempt to label too many children or adults as “autistic.”

Just as some drug companies have over diagnosed “ADD” and “ADHD” to peddle dangerous speed-like drugs to children as young as 4 years of age, this cartel of doctors and drug companies is now creating a national panic by over diagnosing “autism, for which there is no definitive medical diagnosis!

Many children are being victimized by being diagnosed with an “illness” which may not exist, in all cases. Just a few weeks ago doctors recommended dangerous anti-cholesterol drugs for children as young as 2 years of age! Without any scientific studies on the possible dangers of such drugs on children, corrupt doctors made this controversial, unscientific recommendation.

Increasingly, our children are being used as profit centers by a greedy, corrupt medical/pharmaceutical establishment. As the brother of a severely disabled person who suffered and died in a New York “snake-pit” of a “mental hospital,” I know first-hand what true disability is.

To permit greedy doctors to include children in medical categories which may not be appropriate is a crime against that child and their family. Let the truly autistic be treated. Let the falsely diagnosed be free.

In the same broadcast in fact before the comments cited above, he called autism “a fraud, a racket, and went after minority children with asthma. Really classy.

SAVAGE: Now, you want me to tell you my opinion on autism, since I’m not talking about autism? A fraud, a racket. For a long while, we were hearing that every minority child had asthma. Why did they sudden — why was there an asthma epidemic amongst minority children? Because I’ll tell you why: The children got extra welfare if they were disabled, and they got extra help in school. It was a money racket. Everyone went in and was told [fake cough], “When the nurse looks at you, you go [fake cough], ‘I don’t know, the dust got me.’ ” See, everyone had asthma from the minority community. That was number one

MY TAKE: One point, Savage does raise an interesting issue about children being misdiagnosed and over medicated. But nonetheless his comments were heartless and offensive. After all, he said 99 percent of kids with Autism are brats. In other words, they somehow brought this on themselves, and that the existence of Autism is a myth pushed by a craven nexus between the pharmaceutical and medical industries for profit.

I am torn on whether this lunatic should be taken off the air or not. If the Talk Radio Network fires him, he looks like a martyr of free speech for his misinformed and moronic listeners. If you hire Michael Wiener, you know what you are getting. A Xenophobic racist, homophobe who cares nothing for people and who would probably thought Schindler’s List was a feel good comedy. Besides he may be stupid, but even stupid speech is protected. However there have to be standards. The rest of the radio and broadcast community needs to know there are standards and that facts matter. Also, he is on the public airwaves and the Talk Radio Network may want to consider whether it is worth it to continue being associated with this jack-ass who stoops so low and peddles so much disinformation.


A summer camp for Children diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome

It is great to see people more and more helping people with this disorder. Hopefully, these kids can learn to socialize better and be accepted by the bulk of society, many of whom would otherwise be alienated or ridiculed for their eccentricities. Keep up the good work.

Roanoke Times:

Two Roanoke County speech pathologists are working to start a new summer camp for children with Asperger syndrome, a not very well-known neurological disorder.

Children with the syndrome, while often bright, tend to be uncomfortable in social situations, said Diane Shelton, one of the speech pathologists.

The goal is to create a summer camp tailored for these children, who would otherwise not fit into general summer camps. Shelton and Leslie Berger, the organizers, hope to create a supportive environment where they will be able to help children interact with one another.

“We’ve got a lot of fun activities for them and we’re looking at that as therapeutic,” Shelton said.

People with the syndrome often have a difficult time relating to other people or empathizing with them. They have trouble seeing the world from someone else’s point of view. Children often feel more comfortable around adults than around children their own age.

“A lot of them, they only focus on certain topics they’re interested in, maybe weather or airplanes, and they will talk to you for a long time about that specific topic nonstop,” Shelton said. “They are the kids that you kind of think of as being weird in school. … These kids aren’t the kids that are going to be going to the prom. They’re kind of on the outskirts of their school.”living with Asperger’s can be a lonely existence.

Learn more by going to


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Here are the e-mail, addresses

Write a letter or send an e-mail to the St.Lucie County School Boared about the Alex Barton incident and demand teacher Wendy Portilio’s resignation or firing. Please keep the language clean and professional.

Mrs Marcia Cully (Morning side Elementary School Principal)

St. Lucie County School Board
District Offices
4204 Okeachobee.Rd
Fort Pierce, FL 34947

Carol Hilson (St. Lucie County School Board Chair)
HilsonC@Stlucie. K12.


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Teacher has students vote out of class Child with Aspergers Syndrome from Class

Alex Barton, the student with Aspergers Syndrome voted out of class by his peers and his teacher.

A Florida Kindergarten teacher has been placed in a non-teaching role, after she ordered students in the class room to vote out of class a 5 year old special needs student because of “disciplinary problems”.

Alex Barton, 5 who suffers from Aspergers Syndrome was called to stand before the class and his teacher Wendy Portilio instructed the kids infront of Alex to tell him what they didn’t like about him. Following that disgusting and appalling excercise she then had the students. She then had the students take a vote on whether or not to vote the student out of class (according to Alex’s mother Melissa, Portilio may have even pressured a few of the students to vote Alex out). The students voted 14-2, Survivor style, to expell Alex from the class. Portilio then had the temarity to ask him how he felt and then where he would go.
According to Melissa Barton, Alex remarked that he felt sad and then she asked him where he was gonna go. He answered that he would go to the principal’s office and Portilio said that they didn’t want him there either. He then left class and went down to the nurse’s office.

The teacher and the school have not commented on the situation and have placed the teacher in a non-teaching role at the school temporarily.

Watch the interview with Alex and his mom.

Here is some more blog support for Alex.

Send a card to Alex to cheer the kid up and remind him that he is just as special as everyone else.

MY TAKE: Clearly this woman should not be teaching children. Kindergaten is a time where children learn the social norms of society, and amongst other things need to be taught that axiom “treat people the way you want to be treated” and she through her actions not only showed that she doesn’t abide by that, but that she encourages children to alienate one another and segregate each other based on thier differences.

Punishment and pointing out someone’s disruptive behavior is understandable, but humiliation only brings about depression or resentment in the child punished, as well as encouragement to other children that humiliation, rudeness and selfishness is something that is okay and is the way that you deal with differences in society.

Also Aspergers syndrome is a disorder in which a person’s socially judgement and understanding is imparied, what many seem and understand as normal social practices and common sense they don’t understand. They need to be told what they are doing wrong but not ostricicized and ridiculed, but pulled aside and told what they have done wrong and also be given the occasional reminder.

Not to mention that according to some statistics 1 in 500 children have Aspergers Syndrome. If this type of behavior by a teacher is not condemned and carried out by the school district, other teachers might use her disgusting and unprofessional style to deal with other children who have this (which according to statistics she will most likely have another in a class at some point).

This story is very personal to me. No, not just because my name is Alex. But because I too have Aspergers Syndrome, as many of you know already. I had always felt different and socially inferior to most of my peers. I remember sometimes feeling like the whole world held in its collective mind a secret that I didn’t know. I remember sometimes being laughed at and ridiculed for my social awkwardness and habits. But never did I ever have that done to me or encourged by a teacher. Never at any point was a teacher so heartless and immature as to do something like that to me. If they had I would not have been who I am today. Sometimes I felt that my teachers were the only ones in tyhe classroom who were sympathetic to me. Here Ms Portillio was none of those things. In fact she proved herself to be little more then an intolerant class bully towering over five and six year olds as if they were her peers and she was one of them, moking a boy for a disorder he has and other differences.

That is why, in my view this woman she either resign (that is if she has a concions or clear understanding of people’s feelings as well as the pain this has likely inflicted upon this poor boy, which is not clear that this “teacher” does), or be fired by the school district. In fact I am actually going to write a tough but ;professional sounding letter to the school advocating that.

One other thing, I know they are unlikekly to read this, but kudos to the two kids who went against the tide and voted to keep Alex in class. Courage is often doing the right and moral thing, even when others around you aren’t. These two kids should be congragilated.


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