Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

The Iraq War and What it has Done to the U.S Economy

   So what does the Iraq war have to do with the current economic disarray the U.S finds itself entrenched in? While according to an ex- Vice President of the World Bank, a lot.

  The Australian:

<blockquote>Professor Joseph Stiglitz told the Chatham House think tank in London that the Bush Administration White House was currently estimating the cost of the War at about $U.S 500 billion, but that figure massively understated things such as the medical and welfare costs of U.S Servicemen.

 The war was now the second most expensive in U.S history after World War II and the second longest after Vietnam he said.

  The spending on Iraq was a hidden cause of the current credit crunch because the U.S central bank responded to the massive financial drain of the war by flooding the American economy with cheap credit.

 “The regulators were looking the other way and money was being lent to anybody this side of a life support system,” he said.

  That led to a housing bubble and a consumption boom, and the fall out was plunging the U.S economy into recession and saddling the next president with the biggest budget deficit in history, he said. </blockquote>

 Stiglitz also points out that the surge (pun intended there) in oil prices can also be an effect of the U.S excursion into Iraq. He estimates that in all the Iraq War will cost the United States about $3.3 trillion.

<blockquote> Professor Stiglitz attributed to the Iraq War $5-10.00 of the almost $80.00 a- barrel increase in oil prices since the start of the war, adding that it would have been reasonable to attribute more than $35.00 of that rise to the war. </blockquote>

<strong> MY TAKE:</strong> I am not that fluent in the arena of economics, but this seems logical to me. Wars after all cost money. They often cause nations to loose money (with the exceptions of maybe a few large companies that provide armaments and work as contractors). Rarely does modern warfare ever make a country money.

  This just lends credence to the fact that you can’t have colossal tax cuts, not reduce spending, start a war without the support of the vast majority of other countries, and still be capable of fighting a war and remaining in a strong position in that war. We tried that once before, it was called Vietnam. And in the final stages and for many years following America’s tragic experience in those sultry southeast Asian jungles and villages continents away, the U.S experienced what economists refer to as massive <a href=””>”stagflation”</a>, a term again being uttered today.

The U.S economy is just another casualty of the Iraq war.

Hello welcome to my blog! This is a more professional counterpart to my other blog boxothoughts. By and large it will be the same content but with a different more professional style. Enjoy.

Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

Editor’s Note: Computer Trouble

Once again, my computer is experiencing extreme technical difficulties. So posts and articles will be much fewer if any at all for the next few days (maybe as for long as a week). Hopefully I will be back up soon. My apologies again.


Click On This: Jennie’s photos

Here are some photos taken by my friend Jennie. She is a beautiful soul. Here is her site.

Oh and she loves cows

Click On This: An Intresting Character and Website to Check Out

Lee the Horselogger, is a guy who lost his Montana ranch and suffers from Lymphoma. But he is not going the traditional rout of treatment to battle the disease, rather he is venturing across the American landscape like the pioneers did, by way of two horses and a wagon. He aims to arrive in San Fransisco by mid 2008. You can get more details on Lee and his journey by checking out this article by my friend Levon or by going to Lee Horselogger’s website

An Editors Letter to the Readers: The Box is once again being opened

Since Friday night my site has been experiencing technical difficulties. The spacing on my posts would not permit words, lines, or paragraphs to be seperated by space, thereby condensing each post into one colossal paragraph. For now that has been remiedied and is being remedied, since I started my whole site over again. The mission, content, and design will remain intact for the foreseeable future baring any straight mad dash, out of the darkness, unforeseen circumstances that might arise.

Many of the articles couldn’t be saved. To transport all to this copy of the site would be too arduous of a task, far too time consuming, and much to impractical. I have however salvaged some of my best and most interesting content a little over one hundread posts, although I wish I could have rescued more from the unknown fate that befalls those documents in cyber when one clicks a mouse and plunges them into an invisible abyss, that seemingly bottomless wishing well of cyber space and human mind where deleted e-mails, posts, and forgotten memories are plunged.

If an e-mail or post was conscious of thier own existence a click of the mouse on the delete button would likely be considered akin to the launching of nuclear weapons in our world, a split decision and one press of the button can plunge everything into an unknown fate, an abyss where all that is broken resides leaving little behind. But I digress from the issue at hand.

Anyway I have strived to remain as true to the previous design and feel as possible and I am still in the process of catching up after three days of not having a new and more recent article, video clip, or link. So the site will still be at least somewhat under construction.

However I will soon begin to start posting new items once again in the next day or two. Again my apologies to all of you for this. So as I continue to keep building and decorating this domain keep in touch and continue to check it out. And please comment on the posts since all my comments were erased in the transition. Talk later and thanks again.

Best wishes:

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Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

August 30: This Just in

CNN News and AOL News report that an office at the United Nations building in New York City has been temporarily evacuated, following the discovery of old chemical substance known as phosenge in a UN office.

The substance in question was from Iraq. However according to early reports the material was not recently mailed from Iraq as a terrorist threat of some sort, but had been confiscated by weapons inspectors from a chemical facility within the country during United Nations Weapons inspections thaqt proceeded the conclusion of the Persian Gulf War in the early to mid 1990s. The substance also is said to have been properly contained by professionals at the United Nations. Here is a statement from the United Nations via CNN:

” ‘The Material was taken from the al-Muthanna chemical weapons plant North of Baghdad. The samples are sealed and have been there since 1996,’ UN spokesperson Marie Okabe said.”

More as reports continue to flow out and I learn about it……………..

” See Iraq does have WMD!!!!!! SEEEE! SEEEEE!!!!!! SEEE!!!!!!! No it sounds like just a UN Weapons inspector who left some of his toys lying around the office.”
